Kosher for Passover Meal Plan
for students at NAU

Want to keep Kosher for Passover?

Don't live on macaroons all Passover!
Sign up for Chabad's Kosher for Passover Meal Plan!

All dinners will be held at the Chabad House, 2098 Toboggan Ct.

The special, subsidized fee for NAU students is only $36 - whether you join for one or all the meals! The price includes an intimate, family style second night Passover Seder at the Rabbi's house.

To sign up for the first night's Seder (which is separate from the meal plan), please click here.

In order for us to prepare properly, please check the meals you are interested in:

Saturday, April 23: Second Seder Dinner 8:30pm

Sunday, April 24: Dinner 7:00pm

Monday, April 25: Dinner 7:00pm

Tuesday, April 26: Dinner 7:00pm

Wednesday, April 27: Dinner 7:00pm

Thursday, April 28: Dinner 7:30pm

Friday, April 29: Dinner 7:00pm

Saturday, April 30: Dinner 6:00pm


First Name:

Last Name:

Address Back Home (not your school address):

City, State, Zip


Email Address:


The cost for the Passover Meal Plan is $36, whether you're joining for one meal or all.

Credit Card Type:

Card Number:

Name on Card:

Expiration Date: ..

CVV Code:

Optional: The Passover Meal Plan is heavily subsidized for students. Please consider making an additional donation in the amount of your choice to help defray the cost.

Yes, I would like to help! Please charge my card an additional: $

Total Amount to Charge $

Scholarships available. If you or someone you know is unable to pay for the Seder or the meal plan at this time, please let us know. Email [email protected] or call 928-255-5756.
