Shabbat 100.jpg  

Friday, October 24
5:00 pm
at the Chabad Jewish Community Center

Join 100 community members and NAU students for the
biggest Shabbat Dinner of the year. 

Please RSVP
First Name: Last Name:
How man people will be attending? Adults  Children 
 You know me already. Skip the next two lines.
Address: City, State, Zip:
Email: Phone:


Cost:  Adult $18 |  Child $10 |  Family $50 |  NAU Free
Sponsor: $100 

 I am a student at NAU 
Payment Information
 Please charge my card $  
 I will mail a check to Chabad of Flagstaff
Yes, I would like to be a sponsor of this event for $ 
Name on CC: Card Type:
Card Number: Exp. Date:  
CVV Code: