Helping Hands of Flagstaff
Helping Hands of Flagstaff is here to provide help and support to Flagstaff community who are ill, homebound, isolated, and/or otherwise in distress.
If you would like to participate in this mitzvah by volunteering, please email [email protected] or call 928-255-5756. Your name will then be added to the Helping Hands volunteer list. When the need arises, we will contact you to find out if you are available to assist. Click Here to make a donation to the Helping Hands program.
You can also help, by informing the Helping Hands committee of community members in need of our assistance.
Helping Hands will strive to assist individuals, and/or their caregivers, in the following ways:
1) To provide general support to the individual and/or caregiver.
2) To provide transportation to and from doctor appointments.
3) To provide hospital and home visitation, to help bring cheer, and to give hope and support to the patient(s) and their families.
4) To assist with meal preparation, laundry, or light housekeeping when necessary.
5) To run errands such as grocery shopping, picking up a prescription, or other errands as needed.
6) Other assistance as may be needed on a case-by-case basis (i.e. patient advocacy at a hospital/social service agency, etc.)
Thank you in advance for your participation in this greatly needed service to our community! May G‑d bless you and yours with good health and good times!
Helping Hands committee members:
Rhoda Abeshaus
Joan Rosenbaum
Rabbi Dovie Shapiro
Chaya Shapiro
Helping Hands contact information:
[email protected]